Everybody have fetishes. Some extra likes or dislikes. Amelia from Monmartre had, she liked to immerse hands into grains. Even "The transporter" had, he liked costumes , same colour costumes.
But films will be just films...
I ask people about their fetishes really often. I think its a great thing to know more about that person instead of asking what do you do in your life and so so. You can hear the strangest fetishes, when you start to take interest. On guy of my university HATES when someone leaves peels of banana. I asked if he hates when someone leaves orange peels, or other...and surprisingly..he said no. Just banana. Sounds like a fetish.
I went to my neighbour today. We watched The Godfather II. And I started to ask him about these extra likes or dislikes. He thinked a little and then started to tell all... He hates when someone says :"looks delicious..can i taste it?" , he likes to stand by the window when talks on the phone, he can't stand when someone asks him more than twice. I can't even remember all the craziest fetishes he told me.
And I like the smell of asphalt after the rain, I hated sunny sundays in my childhood, I like to imagine that I'm in the movie, I like to play the life. I love cinnamon. I hate when someone says :" ......., if you can" instead of " can you do..." I like strangers. I like to calculate something in my way, for example red cars, girls with white coats. I like to challenge myself , for example if I will jump these 3 ladders, one of my wishes will come true. Cap ou pas cap?
What kind of fetishes do you have?